man smiling while holding clear dental aligners

Could I Be a Candidate for Invisalign?


For anyone who wants a straighter smile, clear aligners, such as Invisalign seems like a dream come true. Compared to traditional braces, Invisalign trays are more comfortable and less awkward. While Invisalign used to be much more expensive than traditional braces, the invisible trays have become more affordable recently. 

So what’s the catch? Why do traditional braces even exist anymore? The truth is that Invisalign isn’t the right choice for everyone. Only some people are good candidates for Invisalign. Whether or not Invisalign is right for you largely depends on three factors:

  • Your dental history
  • The complexity of your case
  • Your commitment to the treatment plan

Ultimately, only an Invisalign provider can decide whether you qualify to get this treatment. However, knowing what makes someone a good candidate for Invisalign can help you understand your chances. 

Your Dental History and Invisalign

Invisalign may not be right for you if you have had certain types of dental surgeries or live with some conditions. For example, you may need a different treatment plan if you have:

  • Dental implant(s)
  • Dental bridge(s)
  • Moderate to severe TMJ
  • Severe tooth erosion

Invisalign is also not a great option for children who will not be committed to their treatment. Even some young teens may need to wait a few years before getting Invisalign, depending on the patient. 

What Problems Can Invisalign Fix?

If you do not have any dental issues that keep you from getting Invisalign, you should consider your current smile and goals. 

Invisalign can correct many dental issues, including:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overcrowding
  • Gaps
  • Protruding teeth
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites

However, severe cases of any of these may need traditional braces instead. People with complex cases and multiple issues to correct may not be good candidates for Invisalign.

Do you have other issues with your oral health? Sometimes, your dentist may need to address those concerns first. For example, if you have cavities, you may need fillings before you can be a good candidate for Invisalign.

Your Personal Commitment to Invisalign

With traditional braces, you do not need to remember to put anything on every day. The orthodontist places the braces and the patient does some basic maintenance to ensure everything stays in place. If something breaks, the orthodontist fixes it. 

Invisalign requires more action from the patient. If you get Invisalign, you need to take them out every time you eat or drink. You must also wear them at least 22 hours per day, including all night. 

There are special cleaning regiments that you must do with Invisalign as well. This includes brushing the trays every time you brush your teeth, soaking the trays daily, and rinsing them after you eat. You must also remember to switch the trays every two weeks. 

For many people, this extra work is a small price to pay for the comfort and aesthetics of Invisalign. However, it’s important to seriously consider whether this is a commitment you can make. 

Invisalign Premier Provider in Connecticut

Embrace Orthodontics is proud to be a Certified Invisalign Provider in Connecticut. Our orthodontists have extensive experience with the Invisalign system, and Dr. Emily Driesman was even recognized as an Invisalign Premier Provider in 2022. 

We offer Invisalign for both teens and adults. If you want to learn more and see if you’re a candidate for Invisalign, contact us today.